It is not a secret that there are many naughty couples out there who find it thrilling to have sex in public. Besides having sex in a car or public park, one of the most popular places to have outdoor sex is the beach. Beach sex offers a thrilling way to spice up your sex life. Naturally, the best time to do so is in summer.

Lucky for us, summer is just around the corner! And while it is summer, what could be a better and more romantic place to have sex than the beach! But, if you are one of those adventurous types who has ever tried to have sex on the beach before, you might have realized that it is not that easy. This is why Luvkis will bring to you this list of tips that will help in having great summer sex on the beach!
1) Pick your spot carefully
Beach sex is a bit more complicated than your regular bedroom sex. Besides the obvious fact that it is in public, there are other issues to keep in mind. The location of your sexual adventure will be very important. After all, having sex in public is not legal and the punishment of getting busted can be quite severe. So, just like any good bank robber would do, stakeout your location for a while to make sure you won’t be in for any nasty surprises.

There are several things you want to look for when looking for the perfect beach sex location. The first thing you want, if possible, is a natural cover. Naturally, there won’t be much of this on the middle of the beach which is why in some occasions it might be better to choose for the dunes instead. Not only do you want to have cover from the eyes of people in your surroundings, you also want to be out of reach of those sand-carrying gusts of wind. Oh, and one thing most of us tend to forget but which is just as important: when planning for beach sex – it may be a smart idea to know the high and low tide times of your beach. After all, nobody likes to be surprised by a wave of salt water in the middle of the act.
2) Prepare a towel, or two
Well, yeah – thanks for the advice, Sherlock – is what you may think. But hey, seriously. Bring a towel. When it comes to beach sex, there is no room for spontaneity. When you’re at the beach, you can’t just lie down to do your business anywhere you want.

First of all, you’ll need a towel to cover the sandy beach. As we all can imagine, having sand in your private area is not going to be a pleasant experience. So please, bring a pair of towels and make sure that your exciting adventure won’t get ruined by some dirt. Secondly, you might want to bring another towel to cover yourself from the eyes of others or those peeking seagulls that are flying around your head. Also, this second towel can be used to dry yourself after taking a cleanup swim once you are finished with your beach sex adventure.
3) Bring yourself some other cover
Covering yourself with a towel may help a bit in keeping you out of sight of other beach-goers, however, you might want to consider taking some more cover if you wish to have real beach sex. Luckily, the beach is one of those places where we can show up with an entire inventory of items without anybody looking weird at you.

A big beach umbrella would be your number one choice of cover that will help to keep you out of sight of other beach-goers. Just make sure that you secure it firmly into the sand so that it does not blow away while you’re in the middle of your act – exposing you to everybody. Right, how awkward would that be? Other items that provide great cover are a couple of foldable beach chairs, large bags, or a cooler box for your drinks.
4) Wait for nighttime
There are several reasons to wait for nighttime with your beach sex adventure. First of all, there is no better cover than the darkness of nighttime. As we believe is clear to all, having sex in public is not really legal anywhere except in some parks in Europe.

Because of this, it may be smart to embark on your outdoor sex adventure at night. After dark, there will be fewer faces around to spot you. After all, it wouldn’t be a smart idea to get naked just yards away from an ongoing beach volleyball game at daytime. And hey, what could be more romantic than making out on the beach in the moonlight. Just be careful not to trip over any other outdoor loving adventures while you’re scouting the dark beach for the perfect spot for you and your partner.
5) Pick your clothes carefully
When you’re having sex on the beach, the last thing you want is to grab the attention of others. Therefore, it is smart to dress appropriately to blend in with all other beach-goers. For her, we would advise a long sundress or sarong. The best part of such a dress is that your girl does not have to take it off for you to have beach sex. She could just take off her undies and keep the dress on while you’re at it.

For him, regular swim trunks or board shorts are the most obvious option. As long as It’s something he can get himself in and out off quickly, it should be fine. The most important thing for both him and her is to wear something that can be put back on quickly in case some unexpected visitors suddenly come near to your secret spot.
6) Prepare for a quickie
Although beach sex might sound very exciting and romantic, don’t expect that you can go at it for hours’ in a row. In fact, when having sex at the beach, time might be of the essence. After all, it is highly likely that there will be other people around and, if you wish to get off that beach without being noticed and with your dignity intact, the smartest move would be to make it quick.
If, however, you are lucky and managed to find yourself the perfect place at a private beach, we would highly recommend you to take the most out of it. Enjoy the sound of the waves, the sea breeze, and, most importantly, enjoy each other. After all, it’s not every day that you get the opportunity to have undisturbed sex on the beach.
Take a dip afterward
This piece of advice might be the simplest and also the easiest to achieve but still, it is important to be said. After you’re done with your beach sex adventure, take a dip in the sea to wash yourself off. After all, you are at the beach. Therefore, by far the easiest way to clean yourselves up is to dive into the water. Just remember not to try and continue your beach sex adventure in the sea. As we all know, sex underwater is never a good idea!

Have you ever fantasized about doing it on the beach? Or have you already done it? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comment section below. Please do not forget to subscribe to our blog and to like us on social media for more sexy articles!
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