Many men among us may not know it, but having a prostate massage actually is one of the best feelings you can experience in life. Often, when we want to experience or gain something in life, we have to sacrifice something else. When it comes to health and pleasure, however, a prostate massage lets you enjoy both! Yes, you’re reading it right. Prostate massagers allow you to combine health benefits with ultimate pleasure in a seemingly unlikely way.
When stimulating your prostate though a prostate massage, you can experience a mind-blowing feeling while, at the same time, maintaining your peak sensual health. Although many guys out there may be hesitant when it comes to anal pleasure, the health benefits of keeping your sensual health high speak for themselves.
Nevertheless, many men still have their concerns about having a prostate massage or about using a prostate massager. This is why Luvkis brings you this article in which we answer the most common questions guys have about anal pleasure.
What is a prostate and where do I find it?
The prostate is a semen-storing gland that has the size of a walnut. Every guy has one and it is located at the root of the penis just below your bladder. Although the prostate might be a little but tricky to reach, it can be massaged. When you massage your prostate, stagnant semen is release. As a result, you will ejaculate and your prostate will be cleansed.

Many of us may not know it, but when we ignore our prostate and do not cleanse it at least once in a while, the semen stored inside can become stagnant. As a result, it can create a buildup of bacteria which, in turn, can lead to infections and swellings.
Why should I massage my prostate?
As shortly mentioned above, massaging the prostate cleanses it which brings along certain health benefits. Males who regularly massage their prostate reduce their chances of getting Prostatitis, genital pain, prostate cancer, and other negative symptoms related to unite loss and the overall erectile function. In general, a prostate massage on regular basis significantly increases a man’s overall heath and reduces the chance of getting infections or sicknesses.
Does a prostate massage hurt?
Many guys out there do not feel comfortable when thinking about any object entering, or even just getting close to, their anus. Men know little about anal pleasure and prostate massage. Therefore it is understandable that they have some questions about it. One of the most frequently asked questions about prostate massage is; does it hurt?
When done in the right way, a prostate massage feels anything but unpleasant. In fact, the feeling you get will be quite the opposite. When massaging your prostate, you are likely to experience an intense, long-lasting, and even multiple orgasm. This extreme orgasm goes hand in hand with an intense ejaculation. Many men only focus on their external pleasure points (the penis), and often forget about their prostate. Little do they know that their prostate is just as, if not more, sensitive to pleasure than their penis.
So a prostate massage feels good?!
That’s right, a prostate massage feels good. In fact, it does not only feel good, it feels great! Many men envy woman because they can experience a long-lasting and intense orgasm. Little do they know that men can experience a similar orgasm with a prostate massage. The prostate is not called the P-Spot for nothing. It is, in fact, the male version of the female’s G-Spot. Research has shown that orgasms obtained from prostate massage are up to 33% more intense than those from standard penile friction. So the only real question is; guys – what are you still waiting for?!
How to massage your prostate?
If you want to give yourself a prostate massage, you can simply use your finger. You would, however, first have to find the prostate by inserting your finger into your anus and, once found, stimulate it by rubbing your finger over it back and forth. As you can imagine, this can be a little bit tricky. Added to that, some of us may not find the idea of inserting your finger into your anus very pleasant.

Luckily, there is a different way. By using a male prostate massager, you can take the ”dirty work” literally ”of your hands”. Prostate massagers are some of the best sex toys for men that are perfectly suited to fit the male body and hit the right spot. These little toy are completely safe and easy to use. If you are curious about massaging your prostate, you can check out the Luvkis shop where you can find plenty of the latest model prostate massages for sale.
If you’re a guy, please let us know your opinion on prostate massages. Have you ever tried it before? What were your feelings? Let us know by leaving a message in the comment section below.