Ejaculation disorder is one of the most common sexual problems in men. According to recent studies, up to 75% of all men are suffering from premature ejaculation. Added to that, another 8% find it difficult to ejaculate at all. An ejaculatory disorder is a problem that affects both the man and woman in a relationship and may, in some cases, have significant effects on a person’s life in terms of, for example, being unable to reproduce.
Although ejaculation disorder is common, we do not often hear about it. The main reason behind this lies in the fact that it is rather a personal topic to talk about. As of such, most men do not like to openly hear or talk about it with their wife, friends, or even with health care professionals. Nevertheless, ejaculation disorder is a sexual dysfunction we should not underestimate. Generally speaking, there are three different types of ejaculation problems a man can suffer from. Throughout this article, Luvkis will introduce you to these three different types of ejaculation disorders; briefly covering what they are and how they affect the life or a man and his overall sexual relationship with his partner.
Premature Ejaculation
The first and most common type of ejaculation disorder among men is premature ejaculation. This ejaculation problem is also often referred too as early ejaculation. As the name already suggests, men who suffer from this ejaculation disorder ejaculate prematurely. Studies show that premature ejaculation is the most common sexual problem in men. On top of that, it also is considered to be the most stressful and bothering one among both men and their partners.

Simply put, premature ejaculation means that a man has an orgasm before it is desired. Normally, this means that the male already ejaculates during foreplay or in the first moment of penetration. The man may try as hard as he can to control his orgasm, however, both his mind and body can’t stop him from ejaculating. As a result, he ejaculates within minutes, sometimes seconds, after foreplay or sexual intercourse has started. When this happens, men often feel helpless and embarrassed whereas their partner often feels disappointed as it means the end of the sexy evening that was supposed to lay ahead.
Men can suffer from premature ejaculation for different reasons, both psychologically and physical. Many psychologists and sex therapists believe the skill to control your ejaculation can be improved through solo masturbation. Especially men who masturbate often during adolescence and early adulthood find it easier to control their ejaculation while having sex. The reason behind this lies in the fact that men who masturbate can experiment around with different techniques that allow him to maintain a high level of arousal without actually ejaculating. Later, when the young man actually becomes sexually active with a partner, he can transfer these techniques and control his ejaculation better. As a result, he is less likely to suffer from premature ejaculation.
Generally speaking, early ejaculation is a problem that occurs among young men with little sexual experience. Nevertheless, it can also occur among older men, even after years of satisfying sexual experiences. In these cases, the problems are often psychological and may thus be more difficult to solve without consulting professional medical care and advice.
Inhibited or Retarded Ejaculation
Inhibited or retarded ejaculation is often referred too as delayed ejaculation. When a man suffers from this type of ejaculation disorder, he finds it difficult or impossible to ejaculate during sexual intercourse. For some men, this only happens during masturbation whereas for others it may also happen when having sex. If, however, a man is only unable to orgasm during masturbation, it often is not referred too as delayed ejaculation.

Delayed ejaculation disorder is most often related to psychological causes. In fact, finding out the cause why a man finds it difficult or impossible to ejaculate is extremely difficult. Whereas some may only be unable to masturbate, others are unable to ejaculate when having sex with a certain type of people whereas others again find it impossible to orgasm at all. The reasons and problems related to this ejaculation disorder are highly personal and thus extremely difficult for a health care professional to pinpoint. As a result, finding the right professional who is able to understand and help has turned out to be one of the most difficult obstacles to overcome for men when it comes to curing inhibited or retarded ejaculation.
Although the real problems for delayed ejaculation are difficult to pinpoint, it has to be understood that, without finding the cause, this disorder is impossible to heal. The truth is that delayed ejaculation disorder does not disappear without professional help. Healing this ejaculation disorder often takes effort from both partners in a relationship along with the help of a sex therapist. During this process, many aspects of everyday life such as stress, anxiety, and pressure play an essential role.
When not cured or treated, delayed ejaculation disorder can seriously affect a person’s personal life and his relationship with his partner. Being unable to ejaculate may lead to lower libido and lack of interest in sex. Added to that, when a man can not ejaculate, it becomes impossible for him to reproduce. Therefore, if you are suffering from delayed ejaculation, it is highly advised to consult a professional. If you first like to experiment around a bit on your own, the use of sex toys for men may offer a solution in reaching orgasm and ejaculating.
Retrograde Ejaculation
Perhaps the most uncommon type of ejaculation disorder is retrograde ejaculation. This type of ejaculation disorder happens when, at orgasm, the man does not ejaculate but, instead, the semen is forced back into the bladder rather than out of the tip of the penis. In other words, the man has an orgasm, but he does not ejaculate.

Retrograde ejaculation is common among men who suffer from diabetes or any type of nerve damage. Men who suffer from this may have trouble ejaculating because the nerves in the bladder and the bladder neck are unable to move the semen forward. Instead, it is moved back into the bladder. By other men, retrograde ejaculation may become an issue after they went through stomach, bladder, or prostate surgery. Added to that, certain medicine, especially those used for treating mood disorders, may cause trouble with ejaculating. In the case of the latter, however, it will just be temporary.
Just like delayed ejaculation, retrograde ejaculation can significantly affect a man’s personal life and relationship. It makes it hard to reproduce and it is, in general, bad for one’s health. As of such, it is highly advised to search for professional help from medical a medical expert. Because this disorder is physical, it is easier to pinpoint compared to psychological causes. If you’re at risk of suffering from retrograde ejaculation in the future (for example if you’re about to undergo heavy stomach surgery), it is a smart idea to preserve semen beforehand. Like this, you’ll still be able to become a father in case you start suffering from retrograde ejaculation at a later age.
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